Publié par Bernard Martoia le 14 septembre 2017

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and incumbent Republican U.S Senator Kelly Ayotte were defeated by an organized criminal fraud in the Granite State.

Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire by a narrow margin of 2,732 votes, and Democrat candidate Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican U.S Senator Kelly Ayotte by a narrower margin of 1,017 votes. Both results did not match opinion polls that gave winners the Republican candidates with a slim margin of 1%.

During a closed-door meeting with a bipartisan group of senators in February, President Donald Trump claimed that he would have won New Hampshire if thousands of people had not been bused in from Massachusetts and voted there illegally.

The New Hampshire border is a mere 30-mile drive along Interstate 93 from downtown Boston for civic-minded Democrats who can cast their ballots there because the Granite state has become a scaremonger, a renegade swing state in the ever blue landscape of New England.

Despite the meeting, which was announced confidential by the White House, a Senator or several of them hastened to divulge Trump’s opinion to mainstream media. The New York Times published a stern remonstrance entitled as follows: “Voter fraud in New Hampshire? Trump has no proof and many skeptics.”(1) I let you imagine the reaction of mainstream media if Hillary Clinton had lost there and contested the results.

Unabashed by mainstream media, which ridiculed his claim, President Donald Trump issued an executive order establishing the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity on May 11, 2017. (2)

Four months later, Vice-chairman Kris Kobach divulged (3) that 6,540 same-day registrants voted in New Hampshire with an out-of-state driver’s license to prove their identity.

According to New Hampshire law, a new resident has two months to obtain a driver’s license, which means that the deadline was set on January 7, 2017. Eight months  after the deadline, only 1,014 of 6,540 individuals who voted with an out-of-state license had obtained a New Hampshire driver’s license. Of those 5,526 individuals who never obtained a license, only 213 registered a vehicle in New Hampshire. Therefore, 5,313 of those voters neither obtained a driver’s license nor registered a vehicle. It means that the fraud was a staggering 81% rate among those individuals. It implies that it was an organized criminal fraud, which was enough to swing the results of the presidential and the senatorial elections, but not enough for the gubernatorial race in which incumbent governor Chris Sununu was reelected with 16,000 more votes than Democratic candidate Colin Van Ostern.

The sad conclusion was that there were not enough civic-minded Democrats from the three neighboring states, which include Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine, in order to swing the New Hampshire gubernatorial election. Blame billionaire George Soros who did not give them enough incentive pay to drive there or Democratic National Convention chairman John Podesta whose sole interest was to elect Hillary Clinton.

New Hampshire is one of fifteen states that allow same-day registration law

Maine was the first state to apply that lenient but permissive law in 1973. The benefit of the same-day registration allows a person who has procrastinated or forgotten to register to vote on Election Day. It also provides the incentive for a criminal organization to swing the result of an election as it happened in New Hampshire.

The drawback of that leniency is that it does not allow state authorities of assessing the eligibility of the voter through his residency before the results of the election are published.

I let you imagine the consequences if the 2016 presidential election had been a remake of the 2000 one in which New Hampshire had replaced Florida as a toss-up state. Civil wars start when a party or a candidate does not accept his defeat.

The voting law is universally based on two requirements: proof of citizenship and proof of residency

• Proof of residency is a key requirement, which cannot be checked in the same-day registration for the 15 states concerned. (4) The leniency implies that the checking will be known months after the election. It weights an uncertainty on the definitive result that is unacceptable in a modern democracy.

• Proof of citizenship is disparaging low in the U.S. Only 9 states, including New Hampshire, require a photo ID, 16 states do not require an ID, and the rest is a mixed bag of strict-non-photo, non-strict-photo, and non-strict-non-photo ID. (5)

Disparities of requirements among the fifty states of the Union reflect the increasing divide between progressive and conservative camps

The progressive camp wants to lower any requirement that would help any non-citizen or any felon of casting his ballot.   The Center for Immigration Studies asked in 2008: “Allowing non-citizens to vote in the United States? Why not.” (6) In the same vein, Time magazine asked in 2006 “Why can’t felons vote?” (7)  Their undermining operation has succeeded when College Park, Md, has announced that non-citizens will vote in local elections. (8) The objective of the progressive camp is to establish a totalitarian state envisioned by George Orwell in his novel 1984 with a new-speak (political correctness) and the elimination of deviant individuals. All the ingredients for a new Civil War are out there.

On the other side, the conservative camp wants to preserve fair elections through a stringent checking of the two universally recognized requirements: citizenship and residency.

A 2012 study by the Pew Center showed that 1.8 million deceased people had remained registered. The same report said that 3 million voters were registered in several states, dues to changes of residency.

In France, any individual who wants to vote in his new residency must register at City Hall before December 31 in order to vote at the next year election. It leaves time for city clerks to exchange data, nullify multiple registrations dues to changes of residency, and erase deceased people from electoral lists.

Many foreign observers wonder why the byzantine American system depends so much on trust and the good faith of officials and voters alike. In Spain, Greece, France, Belgium, and Italy, a government-issued photo ID is required to cast a ballot. All citizens in these nations are automatically provided with a photo ID upon reaching adulthood.

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